Employee Care and Social Welfare

Safe Workplace

WIN established an Occupational Safety and Health Committee for the entire company and plants, meetings are convened every quarter. The meetings focused on related performance in environmental protection, safety and health, implementation progress, results, follow-up tracking, review, and regulatory updates. The Departments, in-house nurses, and labor representatives of the employee/employer meeting assigned labor representatives to take part in the meetings. The Occupational Safety and Health Committee is the EHS exchange platform between employers and employees.

WIN have obtained the OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification since 2002, which included business operations in all of WIN's fabs.

WIN's safety and health management performance in 2018

  • Completion of 28 management programs
  • Assessments of management of change: 842 cases
  • High-risk machinery inspection: 69 cases
  • EHS Management System internal audits: 127 times (department- times)
  • EHS training total attendances: 9,489 person-hours
  • EHS training for contractor: 6,408 person-hours
  • Emergency response training drills: 41

Results of Safety and Health Implementation

The 2018 performances and 2019 objectives are shown in the table below. The EHS Department compiles statistics on the performances each quarter and reports and reviews performances in the management review meeting. It uses regular review of the implementation status to let employees learn about and focus on safety and health issues in the plants to reach established objectives. In the fourth quarter of each year, WIN compiles the management indicators from the first quarter to the third quarter of the year to sets management objectives for the following year. These objectives are announced and implemented following the approval of the EHS representatives and senior executives.

We failed to reach objectives on two of the performance indicators in 2018 including employee traffic accidents (FR) and corrective action request (CAR). To reduce the number of employee traffic accidents and CAR, we organize regular orientation and on-the-job safety and health training and we also organize regular courses and education materials to enhance employees' awareness for correct and safe operations and to prevent accidents.

Results of safety and health implementation in 2018

Year 2017 2018
Performance Indicators Performance Management Objectives
Compared to 2017
Number of major incidents 0 0 0
Employee traffic accidents (FR) 8.60 ↓20% 6.88 9.38
Number of CAR occurrences 9 ↓20% 7 13
Number of occupational accidents (excluding traffic accidents) in each plant 32 ↓25% 24 23
Abnormal rate of 3 out of 5 metabolic syndrome indicators
(Waist circumference, pre-meal blood sugar, blood pressure, triglyceride, high-density protein)
Various abnormal rates 3 items ↓ 3% Objective reached
Participation of rotation personnel in health promotion activities (%) 5% 25% 31%
Note: CAR: Corrective Action Request.

Safety and health implementation objectives in 2019

Year 2018 2019
Performance Indicators Performance Management Objectives
Compared to 2018
Number of major incidents 0 0
Falling from openings on elevated floors 2 0
Employee traffic accidents (FR) 9.38 ↓20% 7.50
Number of CAR occurrences 13 ↓20% 10
Number of occupational accidents (excluding traffic accidents) in each plant 23 ↓25% 17
Employee metabolic syndrome health management - Objective achievement rate: 80% -

Human Rights Policy

To protect the rights of all workers, WIN supports and respects international human rights regulations including the "United Nations Global Compact" and the "UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights". In addition, we also abide by the Code of Conduct established by the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) as the basis of management to protect WIN's employees.

Our human rights management standards are established in the following regulations:

  1. Organize employee/employer meetings in accordance with the "Regulations for Implementing Labor-Management Meeting"
    WIN respects employees' freedom of association and we currently have no union organized by employees. However, an employee/employer meeting is held every quarter. Fourteen representatives each are appointed by employees and the Company. An employee grievance mailbox has been set up to discuss related issues once they appear and prompt effective and fair communication to promote harmonious labor-management relations and to find mutually beneficial solutions.
  2. Established the "Regulations for Establishing Measures of Prevention, Correction, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment at Workplace" to protect the rights and privacy of parties involved.
  3. Established the "Corporate Social Responsibility Announcement"
    WIN is committed to protecting employees against harassment and illicit discrimination in the workplace. The Company respects the human rights of all of its employees, providing fair job opportunities for applicants and employees with the right skills. The Company does not discriminate against potential candidates based on race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, beliefs, political affiliation, union membership, marital status, or other entities protected under governmental regulations. Such principles apply to recruitment, employment, training, job promotion, remuneration, and welfare systems. The Company does not force employees or request employees to receive discriminatory medical examinations.
  4. With the WIN Supplier Code of Conduct, the Company hopes to examine human rights issues with a more positive attitude and a broader perspective through communication and cooperation with our suppliers. We also take our responsibility seriously when it comes to social and environmental issues.

Issues of Concern and Actions Taken for Human Rights

To meet human rights standards, WIN has established the "Corporate Social Responsibility Announcement" and uses customer audits and government legal reviews to verify that WIN has met all domestic and international regulations for human rights and did not violate regulations.

Actions Taken to Alleviate Human Rights Risks

Alleviated risk item Specific actions
Signed WIN's "Corporate Social Responsibility Announcement" Employees are required to sign the "Corporate Social Responsibility Announcement" when they report for duties so that employees are aware of and abide by WIN's human rights policy.
The Announcement includes ban on forced labor, ban on child labor, working hours, wages, benefits, non-discrimination, and freedom of association to help employees learn about their own rights and interests and WIN's commitments and responsibilities.
Education and training for protecting human rights Provide related information and courses during orientation.
Contents include the remuneration, benefits, leaves, Employee Welfare Committee, occupational health and safety training, and general knowledge training for hazardous and toxic substances.
Sexual harassment and anti-bullying training and complaint hotlines We regularly conduct training and set up sexual harassment and anti-bullying education and complaint hotlines We assist employees in learning about what constitutes sexual harassment and workplace bullying.
We establish special teams to investigate complaints.
Mandatory comprehensive occupational safety training for employees We organize quarterly courses including fire safety training, labor safety training, emergency response training, first aid personnel training, regular safety and health training, and regular retraining sessions.
Provide smooth, rapid, and fair complaint channels We regularly provide information on complaint channels to employees. They may file complaints to the Auditing Office or through complaint channels set up on WIN's official website.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy