Sustainability Performance

  • Recognized in the top

    Ranked among
    TPEx-listed companies in
    Taiwan in the corporate
    governance evaluation
    for 9 consecutive years

  • Top 11%~ 20%
    industry benchmark companies

    Electronics companies with
    a market value of more than NT$10 billion

  • DJSI
    word index

    For 4 consecutive years

  • 11.39 %

    Invested of revenue
    into R&D expenses

  • Recycled
    tons of water

    Implemented 11
    water conservation

  • Saved
    kWh of electricity and

    738 tons of CO2e

    Implemented 20 energy conservation and carbon reduction measures

  • Received

    For Water
    Security by CDP
    for the first time

  • The Green

    from Taoyuan City

    For 6 consecutive years

  • ISO 50001

    Energy Management

    Introduced in 2023

  • Selected into the
    GEI Index

    For two consecutive years

  • NT$182,690

    The amount of childcare
    subsidies as of the end of 2023

  • 79.12%

    The employee replacement
    rate for internal vacancies
    was a new high for the past
    seven years

  • NT$44,277

    Total investment
    in social engagement

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