Investor Relations

Compensation Committee

Members of the Compensation Committee
  • Hai-Ming Chen, Chairman
  • Wei-Lin Wang, Member
  • Shen-Yi Lee, Member
  • Chin-Shih Lin, Member
  • Wei-Kang Pan, Member
  • Chao-Shun Chang, Member
Duties of the Compensation Committee

The Committee shall exercise the care of a good administrator to faithfully perform the following duties and present its recommendations to the Board of Directors for discussion:

(1) Periodically reviewing Compensation Committee Charter and making recommendations for amendments.

(2) Establishing and periodically reviewing the annual and long-term performance goals for the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers of the Company and the policies, systems, standards, and structure for their compensation.

(3) Periodically assessing the degree to which performance goals for the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers of the Company have been achieved, and setting the types and amounts of their individual compensation.