Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Message from the Chairman of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

WIN's sustainable development ideals of "Integrity and Accountability, Innovation, Customer Satisfaction, and Quality Foremost"

The trade disputes between China and the United States impacted the global economy in 2018. WIN continued to encourage innovation and invest in research and development, improved process technology, and actively participated in customers' development projects. The Company's R&D expenditures in 2018 amounted to NT$916,442 thousand which was a 35.87% increase from the previous year. WIN dedicates all efforts with the aim of maximizing interest for shareholders.

Extreme weather conditions have increased energy consumption and increased both water and electricity consumption in 2018 from the previous year. We did not reach our goals but WIN plans to prioritize high-efficiency and low-energy consumption models for replacement of equipment in the future. WIN provides generous prizes to encourage employees to provide energy and water conservation plans. We implemented 7 energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction plans in 2018 and saved approximately 538,666.72 kWh of electricity, 616,704 m3 of natural gas, and 1,504.29 tons of CO2e. The Company implemented 11 water conservation projects and increased water recycling and reuse rate by 29.04% from 2017.

The increase in the number of employees may increase risks in occupational hazards. WIN places high value on employees' workplace safety and health and we continue to advocate a "zero safety violations and zero health risks" policy. All plants have obtained OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification and the Company was awarded the "Health Initiative Mark" by HPA, MOHW. WIN identifies human rights risks and establishes measures to mitigate human rights risks. The Company advanced environmental protection for public welfare, promoted plastic reduction, and produced environmentally friendly beverage bags for all employees. The Company also held chemical courses and organized 32 attendees as volunteers to deliver chemical safety knowledge to junior high school and elementary school students.

WIN continues to focus on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals and responds to the SDGs in accordance with the characteristics and value chain of the industry. The Company adopted regulations of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) to advance human rights policies and take measures to mitigate human rights risks. We also manage WIN supplies in accordance with RBA requirements.

Director and Chairman of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Steve Chen

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy