About WIN

Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy

WIN concerns biodiversity and forest issues. Commitment to pursue zero environmental pollution, maintenance of biodiversity, and forest resources.

WIN is committed:

1. To achieve a net positive impact (NPI) and no net loss (NNL) by 2050 as our targets, maintain biodiversity and avoid ecological loss during operation.

2. Our operations and value chain avoid operational activities near sites containing globally or nationally important biodiversity.

3. When our operations are near critical biodiversity, we will apply a mitigation hierarchy (avoid, minimize, restore & offset), and conduct a biodiversity risk assessment regularly to identify priority areas, working towards no net loss.

4. Compliance with forest regulations and mandatory standards, working together with the value chain (suppliers and partners) to prevent gross deforestation of virgin forests, towards the target of ending all deforestation (no gross deforestation) and compensating with future deforestation (no net deforestation) by 2050.

5. Engage with suppliers, stakeholders, and partners to support biodiversity conservation actions, no deforestation issues, and their commitments.

Biodiversity and No Deforestation Policy
