Employee Care and Social Welfare

Social Welfare

Community Engagement

Although WIN has not established a foundation, we still make contributions to the society as a corporate citizen when we pursue growth of the Company. By upholding the spirit of respecting life, caring for disadvantaged people, and giving back what is taken from society, WIN spreads its love for society by donating resources as a way of showing our concern for the economically disadvantaged. We also contribute to art and culture and sponsor domestic documentaries and movies to promote local history, art, culture, and human qualities and connect to the world.

Contribution category (unit: NT$)
Year 2016 2017 2018
Charitable donations 9,810,000 47% 5,700,000 65% 3,200,000 18%
Community investment 9,731,964 52% 2,793,728 32% 13,391,564 76%
Commercial initiatives 350,000 2% 250,000 3% 1,100,000 6%
Type of contribution (unit: NT$)
Year 2016 2017 2018
Cash contributions 19,891,964 8,743,728 17,540,764
Employee volunteering cost - - 68,426
In-kind giving cost - - 150,800

WIN Charity

● Chemistry on the go

WIN encourages employees to put the Company's corporate philosophy of respecting life and caring for disadvantaged people into actions. The Company organized three sessions of chemical courses and events between April and October 2018 with Tamkang University in Jieshou Junior High School in Taoyuan City (April 11), Bali Junior High School in New Taipei City (May 24), and Pingxi Junior High School in New Taipei City (October 4). We organized 32 attendees as volunteers and lab assistants and used a mobile chemical vehicle to lead junior high school students and elementary school students to enjoy the fun of experiment. We sought to spread elements of chemical safety and knowledge more schools in Taiwan that lack resources and let students learn about the science hidden inside their textbooks.

WIN hopes to use the collaboration with Tamkang University to let more students learn science with happiness. We shall use innovative activities to design and inspire motivation and interest in knowledge and research. We hope to use simple experiments that are easy to understand to demonstrate correct ideas and let students learn about science beyond textbooks. We aim to develop talents for chemistry and open up opportunities for employment in related sectors.

● WIN Environmental Protection Month

WIN is fully aware of the importance of environmental protection and we launched the "WIN Green Action Environmental Protection Month" in June to July 2018. We devised a series of activities to promote employees' environmental protection awareness and achieve environmental protection targets with all employees.

The Environmental Protection Month starts with Engineer's Day (June 6) which was formerly known as Water Resources Day, "World Environment Day (June 5), and World Oceans Day (June 8). We start with the imagery of "water" and connect the government's plastic ban policies and the Company's sustainable environment goals. We provide employees with environmentally friendly beverage bags during the event to encourage employees to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags when purchasing bubble tea on hot summer days. They can start with small things in their daily lives and contribute to the environment.

In addition, we also organized 8 sessions of decoupage DIY courses after the distribution of the bags to encourage employees to use their creativity and design their own bags. The events drew participation from 315 employees. WIN also launched a series of events on the Facebook fan page including "Company CSR Results in One Minute", "I refuse to use plastic - Experience shared by the Company's plastic reduction expert", and "Let me Speak Up - Environmental Protection Declaration". We also provided employees who left messages with environmentally friendly straws as gifts in hopes of using green action plans of the Company, employees, and individuals to consolidate employees' sense of coherence toward environmental protection issues and strengthen personal environmental protection concepts so that we may cultivate good conduct and business habits in our daily lives and protect valuable resources of the Earth together.

● Family Day and Charitable Events

2018 was WIN's 19th anniversary. On Family Day, we invited employees to bring 19 uniform invoices to participate in the "Invoice Donation for Gashapon" event. We collected 4,075 valid invoices on the day and donated them all to the Foundation for Rare Disorders. We invited 34 older students from the nearby Fuyuan Elementary School of Guishan District, Taoyuan City to take part in the Family Day event. We also provided all teachers and students with fair vouchers and gifts as results of our good relations with local communities.

Industry collaboration

● Tamkang University

Train our own talents and end the gap between studies and careers. WIN believes that we must adopt long-term talent cultivation strategies to produce good products. We therefore initiated industry-academia collaboration with Tamkang University in 2018 and arranged top lecturers to give courses on campus to let university students learn about the latest technologies in the industry and how to put their knowledge and skills to use. We conducted a satisfaction survey at the end of the term and the overall satisfaction rate of the curriculum was 9.54 points. It demonstrated the success of the high-quality industrial academic collaboration projects. Students with outstanding performance in their studies can also enter WIN directly in the future and put their knowledge to use.

● High School Visitors from Japan

WIN hosted 157 teachers and students of Ibaraki Prefectural Shimodate First High School from Japan in December 2018 in response to the invitation from the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association. We explained Taiwan's pivotal role in the global semiconductor industry and provided students with knowledge of the industry. We also treated all teachers and students to local Taiwanese delicacies after the visit and provided them with a taste of Taiwanese hospitality. In the future world where talent innovation in the high-tech industry gains prominence, WIN shall continue to maintain an open mind and conduct cultural, industrial, and academic exchanges with different countries to spark more innovation.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy