
WIN rated “A++” on Information Disclosure

        WIN earned the highest ranking (A++) in the 12th Information Disclosure and Transparency Rankings Evaluation (IDTR) recently completed by the Securities and Futures Institute. Of among 1,393 TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed companies, only 79 firms are ranked the top grade.
        The "A++" ranking of IDTR reflects WIN's initiative in advancing corporate culture of ethical conducts, strengthening corporate governance and decreasing of information asymmetry. The company would continue to increase transparency of information disclosure in the aim of maximizing shareholders value.
        The 12th IDTR results are available at the “Information Disclosure and Transparency Rankings System Area” of the Securities and Futures Institute’s (SFI) website(http://www.sfi.org.tw/E/Plate.aspx?ID=112)and the website of the Market Observation Post System(http://mops.twse.com.tw/mops/web/index)for reference.