ESG Survey

WIN Semiconductors Corp. (hereinafter abbreviated as WIN ) had published ESG Report every year, to communicate with all stakeholders in disclosing the WIN's sustainability philosophy and outcomes with regards to the governance, environment, and society.

Stakeholders involvement and feedback is critical for WIN to facilitate corporate sustainability, please kindly provide us your precious comments and suggestions. We value them greatly as an opportunity of making improvement for the company and these will be the fundamental reference of the information disclosure in our ESG Report.

This questionnaire is used for analyzing material topics of WIN ESG Report only, it would be really appreciate if you could convey honestly through the survey with your authentic self.

1. Please indicate your relation with WIN.

2.Please indicate your concern about each topic for the following "topics".

No. Topic Descriptions Stakeholder interest
Concerned Neutrally
1 Economic Performance Growth potential, profitability, strengthening long-term competitiveness, dividend policy.
2 Market Presence Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage and proportion of senior management hired from the local community.
3 Indirect Economic Impacts Infrastructure investments and services supported, and significant indirect economic impacts.
4 Anti-corruption Development of relevant codes of conduct, anti-corruption policies, antitrust and procedures and training, as well as cases of non-compliance.
5 Anti-competitive Behavior .Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices;
.Standards of fair business, advertising and competition are to be upheld.
6 Tax .Approach to tax, tax governance, control, and risk management, stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to tax;
.Country-by-country reporting.
7 Innovation and Management WIN's innovation DNA, innovative technologies and diversified development, intellectual property.
8 Marketing and Labeling .Requirements for pr oduct and service information and labeling;
.Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling;
.Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications.
9 Customer Privacy Management policy of protecting customer privacy, substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.
10 Information Security Information security governance, management and compliance.
11 Sustainable Supply Chain Management .Proportion of spending on local suppliers.
.The suppliers shall minimize negative impact on communities, the environment, and natural resources in the production process.
.Suppliers shall do their best to reduce the occurrence of work-related injuries and diseases and they should recognize that a safe and healthy workplace environment helps improve product and service quality, stability in production, and laborer loyalty and morale.
.Procedures for the Management of Conflict Minerals.
12 Materials .Materials used by w eight or volume; Recycled input materials used; Reclaimed products and their packaging materials;
.Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
13 Energy Company's promotion of various energy management practices and its effects.
14 Water and Effluents Water withdrawal, water discharge, water consumption, water conservation plan and results.
15 Biodiversity Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas; Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity; Prevention and remediation activities with respect to its impacts on biodiversity.
16 Emissions Greenhouse gas emission inventories and calculation, and other carbon reduction measures.
17 Waste Waste generated, waste diverted from disposal and waste directed to disposal.
18 Customer Health and Safety Product hazardous substance management, information disclosure regarding hazardous substance free.
19 Employment Employee benefit and welfare, new employee hires and employee turnover.
20 Labor/Management Relations Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes.
21 Occupational Health and Safety Occupational health and safety policy, disabling injur y frequency, health promotion.
22 Training and Education Career development, training development and performance indicators, and training effectiveness.
23 Diversity and Equal Opportunity .Diversity of governance bodies and employees;
.Ratio of basic salar y and remuneration of women to men;
.Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
24 Non-discrimination Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.
25 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to support rights to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining.
26 Child Labor Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to contribute to the effective abolition of child labor.
27 Forced or Compulsory Labor Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
28 Human Rights Assessment Protection of employee rights, complaints mechanism, and sexual harassment.
29 Local Communities Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs.
30 Social Welfare Industry-university collaboration,social welfare, type of contribution.

3. Others: