Stakeholder Communications

Material Topics

In order to understand the extent to which stakeholders are concerned with WIN's sustainability issues, we have referenced the GRI Standards guidelines and the criteria for AA1000 stakeholder engagement to compile these issues, so that we can understand their economic, environmental and social (people) impacts. This information serves as the basis for the analysis of material topics. WIN analysis the material topics every year, a total of 13 material topics were identified in the current year, including 12 GRI indicators and 1 customized indicator.

Identification Procedures for Material Sustainability Topics

Result of Analysis of Material Topics

Communication with Stakeholders

This information serves as the basis for the analysis of material topics and the results were reported to the Board of Director at the end of each year. Below please see the stakeholder engagement of the Company:

Stakeholder Issues of Concern Communication Frequency and Method Communication Achievements
Customers 1.Marketing and labeling
2.Customer health and safety
3.Customer privacy
Irregular:Video conference, visiting customers and on-site audit by customers
Annual:Customer satisfaction questionnaire survey
Contact: Ms. Chen
1. Customer satisfaction surveys produced an average satisfaction score of 87.2
2. Customer visits and accepting on-site audits by customers
Employees 1.Employment
2.Labor/ management relations
3.Training and education
Irregular:Website portal, project satisfaction survey and sexual harassment grievance hotline & email
Quarterly:Employee/employer meeting, foreign labor seminar and meetings of the Employee Welfare Committee
Contact: Ms. Chen
1.Health promotion seminars produced an average satisfaction score of 4.7 (out of 5 points)
2. Annual medical check-ups produced an average satisfaction score of 9.61 (out of 10 points)
Suppliers/contractors 1.Economic performance
3.Environmental compliance
Irregular:On-site audit of suppliers, and communicate with suppliers via telephone or email
Annual:Supplier/contractor assessment on environmental protection and safety and health management systems and performance
Contact: Ms. Chen
1.Ratio of new suppliers that signed the WIN Supplier Code of Conduct reaches 100%
2. The sustainability self-evaluation questionnaire was distributed to 62 companies with a 100% response rate
3. Number of suppliers with high quality/EHS risk audited: 43
Government authorities 1.Socioeconomic compliance
Irregular:Official documents, and participation in seminars and conferences held by government
Monthly:Reporting required information via the Market Observation Post System (MOPS)
Contact: Ms. Chen
Participation in government seminars or conferences
financial institutions/
2.Economic performance
3.Labor/ management relations
Irregular:Investment institution conference and telephonic response to investor/media questions
Quarterly:Investor conference and financial report
Annual:Annual report and shareholders' Meeting
Contact: Mr. Tsen
1. Held 16 investor-related activities, including ones for explaining the Company's operating status
2. Spokesperson responded to shareholders’ questions on an irregular basis
General public/
non-government organizations
2.Environmental compliance
3.Occupational health and safety
Irregular:Participation in charity events and industry-university collaboration
Contact: Ms. Chen
Held a total of 5 charitable activities and industry-academia collaborations, including environmental protection, talent development, and giving back to the society

WIN's Strategy and Risk Assessment
Item for Material Topics

Material Topics Risk Assessment Item Materiality to Operations Management Approach Long-term Objectives
Corporate Governance Economic performance A good business strategy is key to maintaining a healthy capital foundation that maintains investor, creditor, and market confidence, and also supports future operations and development. .Maintain a healthy capital foundation to support future operations and development
.Corporate governance implementation
.Expansion of product applications in other sectors
.Investment of more resources in technology innovation, quality improvement, and reduction of manufacturing cost
Continue to enhance product development, invest in process technologies, and maintain our leadership position
Corporate Governance Anti-corruption "Integrity and accountability" constitute one of WIN's core values. We uphold corporate governance principles and require members of the governance unit and company employees to uphold high moral standards and implement ethical management. We prohibit any behavior that may damage our reputation or interests in order to achieve sustainable development. .Formulated 7 relevant policies and regulations
.Promote the Company's core value of "integrity and accountability" during training courses for new employees
.Promote the policy of integrity to employees at the end of each year
.Set up an independent mailbox for whistleblowing
1. 0 penalties for violations of the ethical corporate management policy by Company employees
2. Completion of training on the ethical corporate management culture and policy reaches 100%
Environmental Energy The climate affects the coexistence of humans and other species on Earth, and indirectly affects companies' sustainable operations and management strategies, impacting operations. WIN has adopted a corporate sustainable development philosophy that supports environmental protection and green production and we continue to supervise or improve emissions reduction measures for energy management, greenhouse gas emissions management, air pollution control, water resource management, and waste management. We implement these measures and work hard to reduce the impact of production on the environment. .Prioritize high-efficiency and low-energy consumption models for replacement of equipment
.Establish annual energy conservation management objectives to review the performance in quarterly management and review meetings
1. Reduce electricity consumption (kWh/6"e wafer) by 12% from 2018 to 458.58
2. Renewable energy use reaches 30%
Environmental Water and effluents .Source reduction
.Water recycling and reuse
.Water pollution control
.Management of recycling system for acid and alkali wastewater generates during process
.Management of recycling system for chemical mechanical polishing wastewater generates during process
Reduce water withdrawal (m3/6"e wafer) by 12% from 2018 to 3.03
Environmental Emissions .Establish annual PFCs management objectives to review the performance in quarterly management and review meetings
.Future local scrubbers for PFC emissions removal in new production lines will all be equipped with models that achieve 90% or higher PFCs removal efficiency. Existing production lines will undergo assessment and be gradually replaced or upgraded
1. Reduce PFCs emissions (ton CO2e /6”e wafer) by 50% from 2018 to 0.114
2. VOC emission removal efficiency > 92%
Environmental Waste .Reduce the use of raw materials in production
.Increase the recycling rate of waste solvents
Reduce waste solvent volume (kg/6"e wafer) by 24% from 2018 to 12.51
Environmental Supplier environmental assessment Suppliers are important partners to WIN's sustainable development. To strengthen our partnership with suppliers, improve their quality, and reduce the supply risk of our supply chain, helping our suppliers understand and establish sound sustainable operations is critical to our long-term operations. .Regulations established: WIN Supplier Code of Conduct
.Risk assessments: Risk assessment based on the supplier rating table
.Supplier evaluations: Evaluate supplier performance each year
.Management of ongoing improvements: Request continuous improvement based on the results of performance assessments
Completion of the sustainability management self-assessment by 100% of suppliers of direct materials
Social Supplier social assessment 1. 100% of materials used for producing wafers is sourced from mines in non-conflict areas
2. Completion of the sustainability management self-assessment by 100% of suppliers of direct materials
Social Employment Human resources are our most important asset, as well as the driving force behind our growth. To fulfill our ESG and reduce human rights risks, we provide employees with a friendly workplace. We attach importance to employee benefits, provide employees with communication and complaint channels, and are actively improving the work environment. .Offer competitive salaries, training programs, and incentives
.Remuneration policy: No different treatment on the basis of such factors as gender and gender identification, age, race, religion, political affiliation, marital status or sexual orientation
.Establishment and implementation of human rights management guidelines: Prohibit forced labor, ban child labor, non-discrimination, respect for freedom of association, respect for privacy, pay attention to employee health, and prioritize safety in the workplace
A 5% to 10% employee turnover rate
Social Employee diversity and equal opportunity Ratio of female senior managers: 15%
Social Human rights assessment No serious law violations (fines higher than NT$1 million)
Social Training and education 1. A 100% completion rate for learners of the engineering training roadmap
2. A 60% usage rate of the non-compulsory resources of the WIN Learning platform
Social Occupational health and safety Massive amounts of chemicals and machines that pose high risks are involved in the production of semiconductors. Safety and health management is of the utmost importance. Through the operations and promotion of the management system, we properly manage occupational safety and health. .Use education materials to strengthen employees' awareness of correct and safe conduct at work
.Convene quarterly meetings of the Occupational Safety Management Committee to discuss and review related issues, prevent accidents, and promote health
.Implement the occupational health and safety policy
Zero significant occupational disasters

For more information, please read full article
